Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ask the Planner: Help with choosing the right size limousine

Our second question in our "Ask the Planner" series comes from a friend of mine in North Carolina regarding the size of limousine she should reserve for her wedding day. I felt the need to feature her question as I feel that it's a common question that many brides often ponder in this stage of the planning. Here is her question and my response:

Question: "I have a bridal party (including my fiance and I) of 10 and have no idea what size limousine to reserve. Can you help me out with some advice?"

Answer: I'm so glad you thought to ask what size limo you should be getting! So many people think that if they have 10 people in their party, that they should reserve a 10-passenger limo and be done with it. That is actually not the case at all. A 10-passenger limo is not made to hold 10 adults...deceiving, isn't it? While a 10-passenger limo may be alright if you're trying to save money on a bachelorette party for 10 girls, it's not alright for a wedding. One major thing to account for is the bride's gown...I typically tell my brides to allocate two seats for the bride, and to think about the size of the people in your bridal party. Is your soon-to-be husband an ex-college football player or basketball star? What about his groomsmen? You don't want to have everyone sitting on top of one another dressed in gowns and me, it's not fun on an 80 degree day in the middle of summer! I typically like to add an additional 2-4 seats depending upon your bridal the very least, a 12-passenger limo would suffice; however, a 14 passenger is what I would recommend for a 10 person bridal party.

If you have a specific question you would like us to answer & feature on our blog, email me at the following address:

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