Thursday, June 18, 2009

Makeup Artist Spotlight :: Julie Marckisotto

Several weeks ago we started a 'Vendor Spotlight' blog series that featured some very talented photographers here in the Pittsburgh area. This week we're continuing with that series and are featuring some of our favorite makeup artists here in Pittsburgh. We are going to focus on 'destination' vendors who will travel to your hotel, home, or any location where you and your bridal party plan to get ready the morning of your wedding day.

Our first makeup artist in our spotlight series is Julie Marckisotto, the talented makeup artist behind Pittsburgh Makeup. Check out her Q + A session with us below:

1. First off, tell us a little about yourself:

I have been married for 13 years and have two great boys, Brent and Lukas…ages 12 and 5. I have worked at countless makeup counters/salons and decided last year to start my own business and opened a Makeup/Facial studio near Murrysville. I mostly travel on the weekends doing makeup for weddings and during the week I do practice sessions, makeup lessons and facials at my studio. I love the freedom that I have now with my schedule, especially because I am also a busy mom! My favorite activities are working out, reading, cooking/baking, tennis, traveling and spending time with my family.

2. How did you get started in makeup artistry?

I have always wanted to be a Makeup Artist! I went to Pgh. Beauty Academy straight out of high school and from there I have always been in this industry in some shape or form. Even when I worked at business-type jobs I always did freelance makeup for weddings on the weekends. As a kid I really enjoyed art and drawing, so I think that I like makeup so much because it truly is an ART that allows me to be creative!

3. What is your #1 piece of makeup advice for brides on their wedding day

Hire a professional! It sounds like a shameless plug, but we do know the right touches to make the makeup pop and look flawless in pictures. After all, you will be looking at the pictures forever, so it’s worth the little investment.

4. What do you like best about your job?

That I don’t view it as a job…I’ve always heard – “when you do something that you love you won’t work a day in your life” – that is how I feel! It makes me feel humbled that someone wants me to take part in the most important day of their life!

5. If you weren't a makeup artist, what would you be?

Probably something in the field of forensics. I am a crime show junkie, and would love to work on cold case files now that we have all of the technology that we do. That whole process fascinates me.

6. What is one thing you absolutely cannot live without?

Without a doubt…COFFEE!

7. If you could work with anyone, who would it be?

Probably the Makeup Artist from TLC’s What Not To Wear, Carmindy! I think we share a lot of the same philosophies when it comes to makeup - she concentrates on making the woman look beautiful by working with what she already has…not covering it up or trying to change it.

Please share a few of your favorite photos from your portfolio of work:

For more information about Julie and her makeup services, check out her website and blog.

Thank you Julie for taking the time out of your busy schedule to chat with us!

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