Sunday, November 22, 2009

...and that's a wrap on our 2009 wedding season!

Wow...where do I even begin?! Our 2009 wedding season was truly an amazing year! I never imagined that I would have the pleasure to work with such remarkable couples and extremely talented wedding vendors. I honestly could not have asked for a better 2009 season, and can only hope that 2010 is equally as amazing!

To ALL of my 2009 couples - thank you for allowing me to be apart of such an important day in your lives. Each one of you has touched my heart, and has taught me something about love + marriage. I wish each and every one of you a happy, healthy, & successful future!

To the wonderful vendors I've had the privilege of working with - You guys rock! It truly amazes me to see how much talent the wedding industry has in Pittsburgh. Thank you for providing such a high caliber of service - we need more people in the world like you!

To my husband - words cannot even express what your love + support mean to me. Thank you for giving up so many of your weekends to help grow this business. All of this would not be possible without you. I love you, and am so blessed to have you in my life.

As each season passes I learn more and more, and am SO excited for what 2010 + beyond will bring for us! I've got tons of inspiration + new ideas flowing through my head, and can't wait to share them with our 2010 couples. Over the next few weeks, we'll be back to our regular blog posts and will be featuring more of our awesome 2009 wedding photos! Until then, Happy Thanksgiving & let the Holiday season begin!

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