Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 :: A New Year, A New Decade

Wow...has it really been two years since I launched Simply Perfect Weddings?! I cannot even begin to describe how lucky and blessed I feel to be doing what I love for a living. I remember when owning my own wedding + event planning business seemed like a distant dream far away in the future, and now after two years, it’s not only become a reality, but one of my biggest passions in life. With two wedding seasons under our belt, and our 3rd one just on the horizon, it’s already been an amazing journey!

As I talked about in a previous blog post, I’m not usually one to set New Year’s Resolutions for myself. Not that I have anything against them, I am just a firm believer that if I want to make a change in my life, then I should make that change that very day. However, with that being said, I do feel that the “New Year” is an essential time for self-reflection and goal setting for the year ahead. Obviously, I am a planner – a wedding planner, and a planner in life. I thrive off of making lists and staying organized (Confession: I’m not very good at being spontaneous!).

As each year passes, I always strive for growth – both personally and professionally; however, this year, I am shooting for the moon! I recently sat down with one of my biggest supporters, my husband, and mapped out my top 6 business goals for the year {I couldn’t narrow it down to just 5, so I chose 6 instead}. It truly amazes me how just simply putting your thoughts on paper can provide you with such clarity. I don’t know about you, but at any given time, I’ve got hundreds of ideas bouncing around in my head, and often times, those thoughts become overwhelming. I took a few hours {ok, almost an entire weekend} to put down all of my thoughts and goals for the year ahead on paper. Now, I didn’t just write down my goals #1-6 on a piece of paper and call it a day – no, that would be too easy. I’ve taken some advice from some of the top wedding professionals whom I greatly admire, and came up with ACTION plans that will help me achieve those goals in the year ahead. My philosophy for 2010 {and beyond} is “Making Things Happen” thanks to the ever inspiring Lara Casey. While I’ve yet to attend her MTH workshop, those 3 little words have already given me an incredible amount of inspiration for 2010, and I can only imagine how they will impact me after attending. I am incredibly excited to embark on the continued journey that lies ahead, and hope that you will come along for the ride!

This year I plan to tap into my creative side more than ever, give more to my amazing clients, give more to my family & friends, and lastly, give more to myself. I’ve realized that if I don’t spend any time on “me”, that burnout is imminent. I am starting this year feeling FRESH, and hope to end the year on that very same feeling!

With my action plan in hand, I am ready to conquer this new year, and new decade! Cheers to new beginnings, new experiences, and new relationships!

Happy New Year!

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