Monday, March 22, 2010

Photographer Spotlight :: Christina Montemurro Photography

Our next photographer in our 'New Faces Photographer Spotlight' is Christina Montemurro, owner of Christina Montemurro Photography. Christina is an extremely talented photographer with a keen eye for details! Last year I had the opportunity to work with Christina on several weddings, and was blown away by her creativity. Her ability to see things in an unique way, combined with her laid back style, make her an ideal choice for the couple looking for a "no fuss" photographer. Interested in hearing more about Christina? Check out her Q + A session below:

1. First off, tell us a little about yourself:

I’m not a Pittsburgh native, but I couldn’t be happier to live here now. I’m awed every time I drive out of the Fort Pitt tunnel and see Pittsburgh’s stunning skyline.

I love movies, especially action movies with good plot and character. I’ve always loved to read, but have trouble finding the time. But I’ve found my iPod a good substitute, listening to podcasts like NPR’s This American Life, Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me, and a number of photography-related podcasts.

Two of my favorite subjects to photograph are my adorable boys, Leo and Jonas, who are 5 and 2. While being a mom has plenty of challenging moments, the difficulties are far outnumbered by the laughs and hugs and hours spent playing at parks and playgrounds. There’s nothing to make me smile like the sound of the two of them laughing, or hearing Leo say, “Mommy, Jonas is so adorable I can’t even stand it any more!”

2. How did you get started in photography?

Very gradually. I started getting books out of the library and reading my camera manual. I tried so hard for so long to create beautiful images with a point and shoot camera. Eventually I gave up and upgraded to a SLR camera. While it’s certainly true that it’s the photographer and not the camera that’s most important in creating great photos, having a good camera makes a huge difference. So once I finally had the right tools, I spent more and more time practicing and learning. And bit by bit I realized that the way I saw the world had transformed. I am always watching light, looking for unique angles, and finding striking patterns and textures. Even if I don’t have a camera with me (very rarely!), I find my eyes drawn to the beauty I see all around me.

3. Describe your wedding photography approach and style. 

Wedding days are not like any ordinary day. I believe that brides and grooms deserve extra special treatment and care, and do everything I can to be sure that the happy couple feels comfortable and relaxed, and see that they have time to spend the day the way that they want to. I like to be unobtrusive and just offer some general posing guidance to be sure that photos look relaxed and natural, and not just your basic “smile for the camera” pose. 

4. What do you like best about your job?

I’ll mention my two favorites. 1) Getting to meet so many fabulous people and hear their stories. 2) Having such a wide variety of work. You get to switch gears constantly from understanding the technical details of your camera to thinking about artistic compositions to accounting to marketing to communication. I love being able to cover so much ground. 

5. What keeps you motivated? 

I love learning. I know there is always more to learn, and love finding new sources of inspiration, whether it’s the way I saw light falling in a movie, something I read in a book, or something a friend told me that moved me. 

6. If you weren’t a photographer, what would you be?

I’d love to do scores and soundtracks for movies. I’ve played the piano all my life, and would love to be able to combine my love of music and film. 

7. What is one thing you absolutely cannot live without?

I suppose “my camera” or “my car” would be a bit too obvious, and since it says “thing” I won’t pick my husband or my kids. So, my Netflix account. We don’t have cable TV, but we keep up with our favorite shows and movies through Netflix. 

8. If you could photograph a wedding for anyone, who would it be?

I don’t know about current unmarried folk, so my picks don’t reflect people I think may be planning a wedding any time soon! Kate Winslet has such classic beauty and great curves and seems like someone who makes up her own rules. But I’d also like to pick someone who would be likely to do something really unusual. Tim Burton’s movies have such a distinct and different look to them, so perhaps he and Helena Bonham Carter.

9. Please share a few of your favorite photos with us: 

Check out Christina's website/blog to view more of her work, as well as information about her services. 

All images courtesy of Christina Montemurro Photography

1 comment:

  1. Christina's a wonderful photographer! Great choice to highlight her.
